DIVERSION DIVE TRAVEL is committed to conserve and protect our endangered marine environment.

As a diver surfacing from another mind-blowing dive do you some times think:

"I wish I could give something back to the reef for being allowed to peek into this magnificent world with its amazing creatures, but what can I do?
Apart from being a careful diver and trying not to harm anything, how can I help?"

Well, that's how we often feel, and that is why DIVERSION DIVE TRAVEL has decided to become involved. In October 2004 the DIVERSION MARINE CONSERVATION FUND was initiated.

The aim is to support marine conservation and research projects which are being carried out in the regions of our dive destinations.

The Fund is financed directly, and it involves all clients of Diversion Dive Travel:
With every dollar you spend on your dive booking you are making a difference.

1.5% of the profit from your bookings is being used to fund the projects of the Fund.

Projects assisted so far:
+ Petition to protect the Coral Sea by creating a large Marine Park

+ Tiger shark research on the Great Barrier Reef
The fund supported the ongoing research efforts of Undersea Explorer by financing a satellite tag to learn about migration patterns of tiger sharks on the Great Barrier Reef

+ Andaman Island Research boat for the Green Life Society
The Green Life Society lost their research boat during the Tsunami the fund financed a replacement vessel which will be in operation June 2005

+ Support of the Australian Marine Conservation Society to lobby the Australian Government to counter Japanese plans for increased whaling in the Antarctic

+ Mooring Drill for the Papua New Guinea Divers Association
A replacement drill and jackhammer was urgently needed to continue the successful mooring project throughout PNG

+ Support of the Australian Marine Conservation Society on their sustainable fisheries project